Page name: Lifted RP [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-12-11 23:35:03
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Lifted RP

     Darwin followed blindly behind Cresig as they left Ian and Lora by the tree. "Where are we going?"

      "I have a friend who owns a club a little ways away. We'll still be able to listen to the crowd, in case it turns into a rioting mob.. That would be fun." Older male grinned to himself, pointy canines showing briefly before grin shrunk in size to reveal only front teeth. "There should be nobody there for another hour or so. So, we'll be able to talk in peace."

     "Riots? I doubt it, they all seem to be pretty content with Slayter right now." Darwin grumbled. "How can they not see how ridiculous that was?! Look, I'm sorry, I know I told you that I'd help you bring this guy down, but how do we know this thing is even real? Slayter's just trying to get control!" He walked in front of Cresig, cutting him off so he could look directly at him. "Why do you feel so confident that all this is real?"

     "I have solid proof that this is all real. They didn't release autopsy reports, or even death reports for that matter; DA's warranted all tapes from their cameras and had them destroyed at command. Senator Slayter has the police force under his thumb, and the FBI is naturally just a bundle of secrets. Anything to keep chaos out of the cities they are sanctioned in..." Trailing off, he glanced up from the short college student and past him, watching a couple of people pass them, on their way to hear the rest of Slayter's speech. "Normally I would not care about people dying, or how. I initially just brushed her words off as idle chit-chat. But when I found out from another that Slayter was planning to dig up Central Park, I was drug into this mess. So, I'll reveal many of his dirty little secrets if it saves my brother's grave."

     Looking back down at his acquaintance, he tilted his head slightly and chewed inside of bottom lip, a bad habit he had while thinking. "I planned on telling you all of this when we had gone to my friend's place, so that you could get a drink afterward to ease your nerves." Shrugging, he continued, "So, do you want this proof, or do you wish to go get a drink? The proof will always be there, but the club will fill up rather quickly, once Slayter's speech ends. And I don't like very large crowds."

     Darwin shrugged. "All right. Lead the way."


     Jeff was standing on his boat, watching as building after building collapse after being on fire. He decides to go to his cabin when he notices that his boat is low in the water. He rushes down to the cargo hold and finds that it is half flooded. He quickly starts his pumps and right before he could locate the leak, a person jumps up from the water and punches Jeff in the gut. Jeff quickly pulls out his revolver and aims at the stranger. "I'm going to give you 1 chance to get off my boat." said Jeff as he loads his gun. "The only way I'm leaving this boat is if you throw my dead body overboard." said the stranger. "Have it your way then." said Jeff and he kills the stranger with 1 shot between the eyes.


     "Never believe their lies, because that's all you can expect out of these environment whackos," Slayter commanded. "You know in your gut what the truth is, and what the truth is not. Don't be confused by their convoluted "facts" and explanations. If this crisis was real, would you be standing there, alive and well? If this crises was real, would the alleged facts about Carbon Dioxide be more confusing than filing your income taxes? You don't believe it and I don't either!"
     The air thundered with support from the growing crowd. "If you can't trust environmentalists to tell the truth about the environment, then do you think you can trust them to tell the truth about people who stand up to them - people like me?" Slayter questioned. A negative sound pierced with shouted "no's" rose up from the audience. "Because I believe in the people and will not give into lobbyists and liars, I will become the most hated man in Washington. The truth will not be told when they ruthlessly attack me. Once again, listen to your gut when you hear those things and I know you will recognize who your true enemy is, and we will still stand side-by-side against them."
    The reaction of the people told him was winning - big time.


     The music was more of a vibrating beat through the air and floor of the club rather than a dance pitch, Cresig noted as he neared the bar, going right over to the stool nearest the bartender. "I don't suppose you carry a laptop like a lot of other students?" He inquired of his acquaintance before turning to his most recent friend, loosely-termed, in the city. "Vodka."

     "I think I just got a chill." Bartender joked, reaching beneath the ledge of bar and grabbing clean glass, then pouring amber vodka into the dish. "And you?" He asked, glancing over to Darwin.

     "Oh, nothing for me thanks." Darwin mumbled. He turned to Cresig after the bartender left. "Anyway, you wanted to talk to me?"

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2009-07-03 [Erubeus]: I think I'll write about his job in my next post. <3

2009-07-03 [Rhymes With Orange]: Hokay, I'm thinking I'm take down all this and put it in the archive now :D So...yay for starting part 3!

2009-07-05 [Imperator]: James Slayter is here to quell the riots whenever you need him.

2009-07-05 [Akayume]: I need to find a time to jump in. O__O

2009-07-05 [Erubeus]: Is anybody going to post?

2009-07-05 [Rhymes With Orange]: Weeeeell...[Kai Crewger] and I could do some stuff. We were kinda wanting Ava in our next part though and [Frivalicious] hasn't been on lately...if anyone wants to do some random background stuff with your character, go for it, we can do more than just what's in the main plot.

2009-07-05 [XxTsomexX]: hahaha maybe I should explain why Ellizabeth's hair is rainbow... thats obviously not normal...

2009-07-07 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Is someone going to answer the question my character asked?

2009-07-08 [Rhymes With Orange]: :o woah...there is substantially more writing on here than the last time I was on... :D

2009-07-08 [Erubeus]: Indeed.
I am having fun with Cresig. <3

2009-07-08 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: your discusting!!! ^ ^

2009-07-08 [Imperator]: Oh god! I couldn't read that. It's too horrible and I'm too squimish. Is the guy dead? *covers eyes*

2009-07-08 [Erubeus]: Yes, he is dead. =3

2009-07-08 [Imperator]: For playing an evil politician, I sure have a light stomach for violence... XP

2009-07-08 [Erubeus]: xD

2009-07-08 [Rhymes With Orange]: Not gonna lie, it even made me squeemish, so kudos

2009-07-08 [Chimes]: Didn't affect me. :P

2009-07-09 [Erubeus]: Didn't affect me, either. ;shrug;

2009-07-09 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: I'm not sure what to do with my character at this time.

2009-07-09 [Rhymes With Orange]: Hmmmm...well...give her some background. That never fails :)

2009-07-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: Clearing again :) And I'll write some stuff for Darwin at some point of time tonight :P

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